Help me I hate my Job- By: Mark Maloney

Description : You are not alone - Statistics tell us that a huge majority. Yes I said majority of people hate their jobs. So every time you sat hello to your neighbor there is a great chance the one on the left or the right feels the same way you do. So lesson number one is you are not alone in your feelings. The restlessness of feeling so unsatisfied in your job is not unique to you there fore you can quit feeling bad about it and get on to solving it.
The choice is yours - Most people are waiting for a great opportunity to come along and yank them out of their job. As much as I would like to tell you this will happen it most likely will not. Ouch! I know I hated to say it but waiting on it to take care of itself is why most people look up and their in a job for 10-15 or even 20 years that they have no passion for. It may be time to cull a few obligations to allow money or time to create the dream job.
Do something about it - Put an action step in moving towards anything you would love to do in your career. Also sounds simple but I speak with people who only complain about it and never do anything to help themselves. We all can get stuck right here for too long and this spot can fester into way more than just hey " help me I hate my job " into because I hate my job I did this to my spouse, kids, co-workers etc.

What can I do?

Create the end result first - As far as I am concerned this is the only way to start. It is important that you are very specific here. You need to feel it, smell it, visualize it. Get this image so ingrained in your mind that nothing and nobody can separate your thoughts of a passionate fulfilling career. Don't get hung up here on what you are going to do. The purpose here is to ingrain your mind with what you will feel like, act like, think like in this new part of your life. What will you do different with this new found passion. How will it effect those you love in a positive way. Visualize how you can break out of ruts and boredom and how that will infuse your life with new energy. The more detail you can build here the better.
Set your why in stone - Would it surprise you to learn most people have no idea why they do what they do other than it just ended up that way. You still don't have to know what your gonna do you just have to know why your doing it. Your why is a definition or a qualifier for what you do. Not the other way around. In other words your why is way more important than your what and when it gets turned around it looks alot like a person who types into a computer - Help me I hate my job.
Your job is only a vehicle - Get's you where you need to go to accomplish step 1 and step 2. Nothing more and nothing less.

If you are finding it challenging to find the right vehicle there are so many great home based businesses you should consider. Most have a residual income element and many have multiple streams of income. In my journey through the steps above I discovered action steps I could take to be on the beaches of the world opening my laptop a couple of hours a day and I can be real passionate about that!

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Author Resource : If you need help finding a new job? Check out Help me I hate my job to discover how to earn big $$$. Visit our Help me I hate my job to learn more.